
Friday, March 29, 2013

Florida Vacation: Final Day

Alarm when off at 4:30 am. We crawled out of bed, burnt from the sun, tired from the trip and ready to see our animals and loved ones. It was an amazing vacation. Packed full of everything from once in a lifetime adventures to being full blown tourists. We stuffed everything in our suitcases and a few of them had to be sat on so they could be zippers. Got in the rental car and followed my GPS directions to the airport. We dropped off the rental car, dragged all our heavy bags to check in and then played the hurry up and wait game. After check in we got to enjoy cattle herding known as security. Once through we made it to our gate just in time to wait some more. There wasn't much talking and the talking that did happen was mainly about wanting to just get home. We got to play the cattle game again getting on the plane and then bliss. Nothing in the world is better than being grouchy, tired, hungry and then putting your head on your husbands shoulder and feeling all of that wash away. Oddly this was our first plane ride together so it was a great way to end our trip (having one more special memory).

We landed a few hours later in Salt Lake City. While the plane headed to the gate we got to look around and decided that we would go back there one day to explore all the things we were seeing outside the windows. I miscalculated the time between our next flight and once off the plane we had about 10 minutes to get across to the other end of the airport. It is a very funny sight to see three worn out people running with all their carryon luggage through a crowded airport. I am happy to say we made it and once we got to our gate we saw the flight had been delayed 30 minutes. We spent those 30 minutes devising a plan for when we got back to Portland and we were starting to get more energy the closer we got to home.

We made it! We were back in good old rainy Oregon and boy did we miss it. So many shades of green, nice people, outdoor adventures, dogs, food, our own beds, family and friends. After trying to remember where we parked the car we eventually made it back to our house after picking up the Puppie of course. We spent the rest of the day cleaning all the clothes we took on our trip, sorting presents, watching T.V. and just enjoying being home. Every part of the trip was our favorite part. I think the best thing was that I was able to spend quality time with Jay and Nina while creating lifetime memories that are more valuable to me than any amount of money. I enjoyed the company, the trip and the learning that happened. I can't wait to see what our next adventure has in store for us.

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