
Monday, March 25, 2013

Florida Vacation: Day Four

We got up bright and early so we could get to Key West that much faster. Now I did a bit of planning before we ever went on vacation and by the time we boarded the airplane in Portland I had all of us convinced it would take us no more than six hours to get from Orlando to Key West. I like most people hate to admit when I am wrong but there is no way around this one. It does not (I repeat) it does not take six hours to get from Orlando to Key West (unless you are going 100 mph). It took us a total of 11 hours to drive down there. So after our morning Starbuck we hit the road. I stayed awake for about an hour before stretching out in the back seat. For those of you who know me well you know that staying awake in a moving car for an hour is pretty good. Around lunch time I woke up and found us a place to eat that wasn't fast food. By the way is a wonderful tool just incase you don't yet know about it. We stopped at the Blue Moon Co which was a seafood restaurant right on the waterfront. The food was good, service was not but at least it was real food.

Once our tummies were full it was back on the road. What is better than taking a nap on a full stomach? Yeah that is the nice way of saying I fell asleep again. I pretty much stayed asleep the rest of the way to Key West. After we checked it in was time for dinner. I had a reservation for us at a cool little place call Southernmost Beach Café. It is just one short block from the southern most point of the United States. The view was great, food great, company great and I was able to close my eyes and remember what it was like growing up on the beach. 


After dinner we drove around the island picking out places we wanted to visit the next day. Then even with all the sleeping in the care it was time for bed.

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