
Friday, March 22, 2013

Florida Vacation: Day One

So day officially on Wednesday the 13th when I got off the plane in Orlando. I escaped the plane as fast as I could not just because I hate feeling like a sardine but because I knew Jay was waiting right outside of security for me. I made a special name tag to wear for him that said:

Hello my name is...
Barbara. I am your wife. Kiss
me now or loss me forever.

Needless to say he didn't lose me. In fact he kissed me before ever reading the name tag but when he did read it he said what he usually says "You're silly and I love you". We were able to get out of the airport pretty quickly and once outside I realized how much I had missed sunshine, warmth and humidity. We got to our first resort where we had rented a three bedroom town house. The nice surprise about our place was it had a hot tub on the back porch.

We had big plans for later that night so we decided to go explore our area for a while before getting ready for dinner. Jay decided it would be fun to go on a helicopter tour of Orlando so we could figure out where everything was from a birds eye view. Growing up my dad had his pilots license and would take me up in single and twin engine planes very often so helicopters don't scare me. In fact I was looking forward to it and I would have gone skydiving if Jay had asked because all I wanted was just spend time with him. The ride was about 20 minutes, was much better than I thought it would be and it was so cool to see everything Orlando had to offer.

Once the flight was over we had decided we wanted to visit every theme park and see every site that we could. Oh and I had almost booked the Disney sports themed hotel but opted for the more refined one and as we were flying over it I found out (what I should have known all along) that Jay had really wanted to stay at the Disney hotel. Mental note made for next time. We headed back to the townhouse to prepare for our upcoming dinner. 
The restaurant we went to (La Luce) was great. The food was amazing, atmosphere was astounding (there was even fresh chalk art done by a local artist) and don't even get me started on dessert. After dinner was over we all had coffee and went out side to watch the fireworks coming from Disney Magic Kingdom. We realized after they were over that is was 11 pm and I was finally exhausted.

After saying goodbye we headed back to the townhouse. That night after a much needed shower (I forgot how humidity makes you so very sticky) I laid down and fell asleep full of excitement about what tomorrow would bring. 

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