
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Florida Vacation: Before

We just got back from our big vacation of the year and boy it was so very full. So full in fact that I will have to break this up by day. The whole trip came about because Jay had to go for an annual work conference and thought it would be a great thing to extend it into a vacation. I hadn't been to Florida since I was twelve and went to Space Camp so I thought that it would be fun to experience it as an adult. We are usually pretty busy anyway so getting ready for a long vacation can be a bit challenging. The day before Jay left (Friday) we were scheduled to go see our niece Jewel in her junior high production of Annie (so much fun and she is so talented). At 4:30 pm that day my cell phone rings and it is Jewel. She was calling to see if she could sleep over after the play and of course we had to say yes. You see Jewel is twelve turning thirteen this year (how did that happen) and we know that pretty soon she will be at that age where this won't happen as much. We rushed home to get dressed up, buy her flowers and race to the school. After the play she got dropped off and we stayed up and watched goofy sitcoms until about 1 am. Jay and Jewel seemed to have no problems sleeping but I was a wreak. I knew at 4 am I would have to wake up and take Jay to the airport. I know it seems a bit silly that it would be hard for me to be without him for a few days but we are around each other about 90% of the time each week and have been since we met so being without each other seems just that much harder. Sure enough though 4 am came and out the door we went. I have to say I love driving on the freeway at 4 am on a Saturday. It makes me feel as if we are the only people in the world and I wish that weekday traffic was like that. After big hugs and kisses I watched Jay walk into the airport (yes I stayed at the drop off area until I couldn't see him anymore because we are that sappy). Once home I went back to sleep for two hours then it was up and out the door for a girls day with Jewel.

We started by getting Starbucks and dropping Puppie off at my parents then it was straight to the mall. We window shopped for an hour or so then I spent a bit too much money on Jewel at Victoria's Secret (she wasn't allowed anything inappropriate and I choose that store for the quality, that and every girl should own at least one brand name). Then it was off to my hair appointment which was great because Jewel is ready to start experimenting with her hair and I wanted her to get the straight facts from one of the best hair dressers ever (Dawn at Platinum Salon in Beaverton). It had only been a few hours at this point but I was already feeling lost because of how much I missed Jay. When Jewel and I were done it was time for lunch so I could get her back to her school for her performance that night. As we were sitting at lunch gossiping Jay called to check in that he had made it safe. There was so much relief and missing him that is was good Jewel was there to steal the phone so she could talk to her favorite uncle. They have such an awesome relationship and have since the day they met (part of the reason I knew Jay was the one). After I dropped Jewel off it was more rushing for me since I had to get to my sisters house for my nephew Karsten's thirteenth birthday party. This year for his present I got him and five of his friends a laser tag party and I would have been disowned by him had I missed it. We had such an amazing time at the party there was soda, pizza and shooting each other under black lights all while texting with Jay every chance I got.

I finally got home at about 10 pm and I was more than exhausted. So much so that I actually fell asleep on the couch (not my intention). When I woke up Sunday I thought that it would be much calmer but after 10 minutes and my morning phone call with Jay I got really bored. My remedy...detail Jays car. Yeah a little strange but when I am bored I clean and when I miss someone I do something that reminds me of them so this was a bit of a no brainer. After killing three hours doing that I got bored again. Not able to really concentrate on much I decided to have a surprise sleep over at my moms house (moms have a way of making everything better). She made dinner, we watched friends and were able to Skype with Jay. It was just what I needed to get some sleep. Monday at work flew by and before I knew it I was home and really missing Jay. So I decided it couldn't hurt to pack and when I started I got a brilliant idea. Text my sister and have her come over to entertain me. Luckily we have the type of relationship that we can do that and as an added bonus she brought two of my nieces with her. So packing turned into packing, hot cocoa, giggles, nail painting and Skyping with Jay.

Tuesday was finally here and it meant that it was just a matter of hours before I was back in my loving husbands arms. Work seemed to be over in a flash and drag on at the same time. Finally five o'clock came and I raced home to get my bag and hurry to Jay's grandmothers house so we could get to the airport. We got to the airport in record time, parked in long term parking and made a mental note of where we parked so we could find it when we got back (trust me it didn't help). Waiting for the plane to bored felt like I was waiting for a tree to grow. I realized that when your with the right person the time apart reminds you of how lucky you are to have found them. Once the plane took off I took a deep breath of relief knowing that so very soon I would be able to look into Jays eyes, hold him close, give him a big kiss and say "I love you" for the millionth time in our relationship. Sleep came fast and easy after that. 

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