
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bucket List of 2013

I have a big bucket list that spans all the major things I want to do over the course of my life. Recently someone in my family told me she was building her short term bucket list so that each year she accomplishes what is important to her. This is a brilliant idea and I am borrowing it from her. So here is my bucket list for 2013.

1. Lose 30 to 40 pounds. Since our pregnancy losses last year I have been eating my sorrow and I am tired of it. Also, it doesn't support me providing a healthy body for getting pregnant.

2. Quit smoking. Last year I quit for 3 weeks and then let myself use the excuse that there was too much stress. Not this time. I am tired of smelling bad, getting sore throats, chancing health issues, not being able to breath when I exercise and spending too much money.

3. Create a positive healthy body and environment for pregnancy. I need to stay positive, accept support, be healthy and surround us with the best relationships.

4. Buy a house/keep looking for the perfect house. I will not commit to buying a house by the end of the year because I don't want to just settle on something to meet a timeline. I will commit to continuing to look for that perfect place that I can call home with my family.

5. Continue to move forward at work by generating learning and supporting or leading projects that make a positive impact on our company and communities.

6. Complete a 5k. I hate running. Running hates me. However, I can walk or jog.

7. Do something special for each of my nieces and nephews. It is important to me to create lifetime memories for them. Children are special and deserve to be shown as often as possible that you love them.

8. Top Big Seth's birthday party from last year. He is one of the most special kids I know.

9. Complete a total of 5 classes this year. This seems hard with work, family, friends, vacations and life events but whenever I think about giving up all I will need to do is remember there are people out there who do what I do and are full time parents on top of all of that. If they can do it so can I.

10. Make Jay's birthday a special once in a lifetime event.

11. See a concert.

12. See a professional baseball game. I have been to a few but none with Jay and I want to experience everything with him once.

13. See a professional football game. Jay has never been to one and I really want him to see how much fun they are.

14. Take a trip on the train.

15. Book our cruise for 2014.

16. Take a dance class. I have no rhythm and have proved this many times. I want to see if this will ever change.

17. Start doing martial arts again.

18. Complete photo books from the past three years and stay up to date as we do things this year.

19. Visit Timberline lodge. Four years here and still have never seen it.

20. Go on an all day beach trip with my mom.

21. Visit the Portland Japanese garden.

22. Start my full back tattoo (if I am able to finish drawing it).

23. Watch a sunset on the beach with Jay.

24. Get Nina a stereo and teach her to use it.

Check back once a month for updates!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Florida Vacation: Final Day

Alarm when off at 4:30 am. We crawled out of bed, burnt from the sun, tired from the trip and ready to see our animals and loved ones. It was an amazing vacation. Packed full of everything from once in a lifetime adventures to being full blown tourists. We stuffed everything in our suitcases and a few of them had to be sat on so they could be zippers. Got in the rental car and followed my GPS directions to the airport. We dropped off the rental car, dragged all our heavy bags to check in and then played the hurry up and wait game. After check in we got to enjoy cattle herding known as security. Once through we made it to our gate just in time to wait some more. There wasn't much talking and the talking that did happen was mainly about wanting to just get home. We got to play the cattle game again getting on the plane and then bliss. Nothing in the world is better than being grouchy, tired, hungry and then putting your head on your husbands shoulder and feeling all of that wash away. Oddly this was our first plane ride together so it was a great way to end our trip (having one more special memory).

We landed a few hours later in Salt Lake City. While the plane headed to the gate we got to look around and decided that we would go back there one day to explore all the things we were seeing outside the windows. I miscalculated the time between our next flight and once off the plane we had about 10 minutes to get across to the other end of the airport. It is a very funny sight to see three worn out people running with all their carryon luggage through a crowded airport. I am happy to say we made it and once we got to our gate we saw the flight had been delayed 30 minutes. We spent those 30 minutes devising a plan for when we got back to Portland and we were starting to get more energy the closer we got to home.

We made it! We were back in good old rainy Oregon and boy did we miss it. So many shades of green, nice people, outdoor adventures, dogs, food, our own beds, family and friends. After trying to remember where we parked the car we eventually made it back to our house after picking up the Puppie of course. We spent the rest of the day cleaning all the clothes we took on our trip, sorting presents, watching T.V. and just enjoying being home. Every part of the trip was our favorite part. I think the best thing was that I was able to spend quality time with Jay and Nina while creating lifetime memories that are more valuable to me than any amount of money. I enjoyed the company, the trip and the learning that happened. I can't wait to see what our next adventure has in store for us.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Florida Vacation: Day Five

We set the alarm clocks for 6:15 am to watch the sunrise but by the time the wake up call came I was hindered by my back starting to go out. I decided to let Jay and Nina have the experience to add to their memories while I stayed in bed. About 20 minutes later they came back to the room and I asked how it was. Well come to find out that the sun was not going to be up until 7:33 am so they were going to go back to sleep. Once we all finally woke up it was off to find breakfast. We came across the cutest little French café called Banana Café. It was so charming and exactly what you would expect to find on this island. Oh and the crepes were to die for.

We decided to wander down Duval Street and walk off breakfast. We found beautiful art work, hand rolled cigars, the worlds best key lime pie, gift shops and adventure outings. Before our next journey we stopped at this cute little coffee shop for coffee and gelato.

 Our next journey was to walk down to the southernmost point. The architecture was just amazing. There was southern charm mixed with French and Caribbean influences. There were chickens walking around everywhere that seemed pretty tame but if you got too close they would puff out their chests and spread their wings so that you would know who was the boss.


We only had a few things left on our quest before the journey home began. We had seen the Atlantic side of the island and now we needed to find the Gulf side of the island. After a two minute car ride there we were.

Our adventure on Key West was now over and it was time to head back to Orlando. As we drove back Jay decided this adventure would not be complete unless he got into both the Atlantic and the Gulf. So we drove until we found turnouts that looked the best. Here was his Atlantic experience.

Here is our Gulf adventure.


Now that our southern Florida adventure was officially complete it was time to take the long journey back to Orlando. This time I actually stayed up for two hours! After falling asleep I was kicked into the back seat for the rest of the trip. I love the back seat it is like riding on a bed. Anyway, we took the turnpike to save us time so we could have some fun in Orlando before it was bed time. Wouldn't you know it an hour away from the hotel there was a bad accident that closed the whole turnpike and we were told it would be about two hours before we could go anywhere. After turning on the GPS and some off-roading action by Jay we made it to another highway and were able to salvage the night. After checking into the hotel Jay and I went to Downtown Disney to have dinner and see what type of festivities they were having in honor of St. Patrick's day. We enjoyed a nice dinner at Planet Hollywood and then took the opportunity to cuddle by this magical fountain to end our night. Yes we made a wish and cross your fingers it comes true.




Monday, March 25, 2013

Florida Vacation: Day Four

We got up bright and early so we could get to Key West that much faster. Now I did a bit of planning before we ever went on vacation and by the time we boarded the airplane in Portland I had all of us convinced it would take us no more than six hours to get from Orlando to Key West. I like most people hate to admit when I am wrong but there is no way around this one. It does not (I repeat) it does not take six hours to get from Orlando to Key West (unless you are going 100 mph). It took us a total of 11 hours to drive down there. So after our morning Starbuck we hit the road. I stayed awake for about an hour before stretching out in the back seat. For those of you who know me well you know that staying awake in a moving car for an hour is pretty good. Around lunch time I woke up and found us a place to eat that wasn't fast food. By the way is a wonderful tool just incase you don't yet know about it. We stopped at the Blue Moon Co which was a seafood restaurant right on the waterfront. The food was good, service was not but at least it was real food.

Once our tummies were full it was back on the road. What is better than taking a nap on a full stomach? Yeah that is the nice way of saying I fell asleep again. I pretty much stayed asleep the rest of the way to Key West. After we checked it in was time for dinner. I had a reservation for us at a cool little place call Southernmost Beach Café. It is just one short block from the southern most point of the United States. The view was great, food great, company great and I was able to close my eyes and remember what it was like growing up on the beach. 


After dinner we drove around the island picking out places we wanted to visit the next day. Then even with all the sleeping in the care it was time for bed.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Florida Vacation: Day Three

There was no sleeping in on this day. We had a plan. Make it to Hollywood Studios when it opened so Jay could ride the Tower of Terror without a four hour wait. I have to say the dedication paid off. Jay waited less than 15 minutes and was on the ride.

He got the picture they take of you on that first drop and I couldn't wait to see the look of fear on his face but no such luck. While everyone else looked like they were going to poop their pants Jay looked like he was relaxing on the couch at home.

Since our morning was going so very well we decided to see if our luck of short waits would last at the Rockin Rollercoaster ride. We decided to help our chances by going in the single line instead of waiting in the regular one. It proved to be a great idea and we wound up on the same train me just one car ahead of Jay. I have to tell you I hadn't been on a roller coaster in years and as soon as the ride was over I heard myself saying "let's do it again". I guess you never grow out of some things.


We now felt very complete with this park and decided to keep testing our luck at Animal Kingdom. That was the best idea ever. It is such a great park. As soon as we walked in it was like being at a zoo with an unlimited budget and I wanted to see it all. So we spent the first little while looking around and deciding what all we wanted to do.


It didn't take long for us to figure out the three things we had to do. First up was Rafiki's Island which was a place all about conservation. To add to its uniqueness the only way in or out was by train which lead you past all of the animal enclosures and some fun little facts about the sustainability of the park.

Next up on the schedule was a safari through their Africa area. I always wanted to go on a real safari but was too afraid to be eaten by an animal so this was a nice compromise. It was actually really cool because the animals run pretty free but the barriers that they have to keep the guests safe are so well disguised that you would never know they were there.

Our final big thing of the park was the Everest ride so we explored the Asia area on the way. Walking though there reinforced my desire to go to India. I will get there one day and have about 30 places on my list of must sees while there so I will need at least 3 weeks there. Anyway, it was a great walk over to Everest and the ride was the best one (it didn't hurt that Jay and I got to hold hands riding this one).

We decided to finish the rest of the park on our way out and super happy we did. What we ran into next made me and Jay think about our nephew Shaun. Yes that's right, Dino-Rama! It was an interesting area that seemed like a mix of Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, a carnival and a natural history museum.

I have to see if  you ever have the chance to go to Disney World don't miss Animal Kingdom it was well worth it.

After the park we were all tired and hungry which was perfect because I had reservations for us at Hemingway's. This restaurant is fantastic. The service, food and ambiance is just amazing. One thing I really miss about living in L.A. is the availability of five star dining. It was a welcome treat to experience it again.

After dinner we dropped Nina off at the hotel and decided to rush to make it to Epcot before they closed for the night. Then we were going to end the night back at Magic Kingdom. Unfortunately we were not able to get to Epcot in time so we will have to go back one day to experience it. With that off our list we went to Magic Kingdom and we made it just in time. As soon as we walked into the park we grabbed a perfect spot to watch the magical light parade.

After the parade we hurried to get a good spot for the firework show. I remembered the nice area I had lunch the day before and I am so glad I did. We had a great view of the castle, a place to sit and since most of the area was blocked off for reserved guests we didn't have a crowd.

We ventured through Tomorrow Land for a while and since most people left the park after the firework show we saw there was no lines for any of the open rides. We saw the Stich (from Lilo and Stich) ride open and decided to try it out. Turned out it was a 4D geared toward younger kids but it was still really fun. Our next stop was the new Fantasy Land. I as most girls I know loved the Disney princess stories growing up (secretly I also had my favorite villains). This area of the park is still being developed so there is not a lot there right now but it was still worth it. We went to Belle's village and had chocolate croissants and hot cocoa.

We stopped at Ariel's grotto next and decided to do the ride which was a two person shell on a conveyor belt that toured through the scenes of the movie. The best part was the ride broke down about halfway through while we were in a dark tunnel but could hear the "Kiss the Girl" song. It reminded me of those cartoons where two people would get stuck in the tunnel of love ride. That was about all the area had so we moved on to the adventure area so we could go on Big Thunder Mountain. It was a lot like the one at Disneyland but it never gets old. After grabbing some much needed popcorn for the walk we jumped on Pirates of the Caribbean. It has been my favorite ride since my first visit to Disneyland as a little girl and when they came out with the movies it just made it that much better. When the ride was over my husband being the awesome guy he is let me venture around the gift shop and drool all over Johnny Depp and pirate stuff.

It was close to closing time so we made our way to Main Street so we could finish up all our present shopping. We found our way into the crystal store and saw an item that took my breath away. A crystal replica of the castle for $37,000 dollars (no I am not kidding).
Finally it was time to say goodbye. I was very sad to leave as it had been such a great time but I was ready to get back to the hotel so we could wake up early to head to beautiful Key West.