
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012: Part Deux

So it has been a wonderful weekend. Christmas decorations are up (yes I waited till after Thursday). Did my first and ONLY Black Friday shopping in my life. Wrapped more present (there are three that I am SUPER excited to give). Got to see Steven (it's funny how much you miss people when they are gone). Sent hubby and Steven to the Blazer game on Friday and they won. Then there was today my Thanksgiving part deux. So my mom made our family's Thanksgiving today this year so that all us kids could go to our significant others families houses on real Thanksgiving. I am really proud to be my moms daughter and I am glad to be like her in many ways. So I got up this morning and went to her house to do my part of Thanksgiving which was to fight technology so we could watch the Civil War. My mom has Direct TV and they don't offer the PAC 12 Network so it was a battle of the wills to make this work. Finally plan P worked and I streamed the game from the laptop to the TV. Technology 0 - Barbara 1 for the win! Mom cooked an AWESOME meal, we all ate till we were stuff, the Ducks won the game and life is good. Oh another cool thing was I timed Christmas cards just right so people got them today and yesterday just in time for the big game. So here are some special memories from today that I was able to capture.
The Cooking
Shaun Pointing to the Turkey

Yummy Food

Seth Cheering on the Ducks

Me Winning the TV Battle

Just Shaun

Mommy's Duck Shirt

Jack & Jill (Yes that is really their names)

Tinker and Puppie

Mommy Full

Christmas Card with the Family Photo's

Ashley Full

Boys Eating

Happy Family Moments

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Today was an amazing day. I woke up next to my handsome husband and that was my first thankful moment. I am thankful that we found each other in this crazy world. I am thankful that I can always count on him to be there for whatever I need. I am thankful that I get the chance to make him happy everyday. I am thankful that one day he will be the father to my children (maybe sooner than we think).
After we woke up or as we woke up our cute little Puppie Penguin Princess Johnson was there with unconditional love and plenty of kisses! That lead to my next thankful moment. I am thankful that Siggy and I got her mom (Brandi) 13 years ago. I am thankful we never got her fixed because we knew we would love to have a mini Brandi. I am thankful for the 11 1/2 years I had Brandi in my life. I am thankful for Brandi giving us Puppie. I am thankful for all the love she gives Jay and I.
We got coffee (oh yes I am really thankful for Starbucks) and went to my moms house. She and I went shopping for last minute Thanksgiving foods. Guess what? Yup, next thankful moment. I am thankful for my mom. I am thankful I get to spend time with her now that I live in the same town. I am thankful for all the phone calls we exchanged when I lived to far to visit. I am thankful that no matter what my mom never judged or abandoned me. I am thankful to have such an amazing lady to look up to.
Then we went home and I cooked while Jay watched football. Here is a picture of what I was thankful for then.
After cooking and football we went to Nina's house and got ready for family dinner. I learned there are so many things I am thankful for there that the list would go on and on. Basically I am thankful to have Jay's family as my family. I am thankful that they are the type of people that don't abandon others, try to find the good in people, roll with the punches, are strong people and have kind hearts. Here are some pictures from our wonderful meal.

After dinner we did our first every Black Friday shopping experience. I am thankful for the experience but trust me I will NEVER do that again. Now it's bedtime so we can go to work tomorrow. As I lay here I am going through all the things I am thankful for and what I realized is that 99% are people. So quickly here is my list of people I am thankful for. Jay, Mom, Dad, Jerry, Amie, Jewel, Brandon, Cameron, Joe, Connie, Ashley, Justin, Shaun, Seth, Carter, Sophia, Lydia, Karsten, Henry, Max, Taylor, Nina, Chris, Veronica, Big Seth, Andy, Tony, Jody, Jake, Kyra, Adelyn, Christina, Steven, Ray, Hannah, Tara, Shawn, Shane, Lauren, Vince, Katilyn, John, Erinn, Kyle & Sue. There are quite a few others but this is my list this year.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Thanksgiving Plans 2012

Thanksgiving this year is going to be a lot of fun. Actually it is turning into a weekend of Thanksgiving which is exciting. Since Jay and I have been married for almost a year we are still creating what we want our lives to look like and this is especially true in regards to family. So this years twist on Thanksgiving will help us get there.

Thursday 11/22/12
9 am - Wake up and stretch
9:30 am - Throw Puppie on husband to wake him up
9:35 am - Run from husband and laugh
10:30 am - Make Thanksgiving breakfast and eat in bed while watching funny movie
11 am - Do nothing
3 pm - Go to Nina's house to help cook Thanksgiving dinner
4 pm - Eat Thanksgiving dinner
5:30 pm - Make 2013 chart with family
7 pm - Fall asleep on couch with hubby and Puppie

Friday 11/23/12
6:30 am - Wake up and go to work
8 am - Work
5 pm - Finish work!!!
7 pm - Hubby & Steven go to college rivalry night Blazer game
7 pm - Watch horror movie and enjoy house to myself
11 pm - Tease husband and Steven if Blazers lose and go to bed

Saturday 11/24/12
9 am - Wake up
9:30 am - Wake husband up
9:40 am - Throw Puppie on Steven to wake him up
10 am - Cook breakfast
10:30 am - Hubby and Big Seth go to Civil War
11 am - Go to moms house to help cook Thanksgiving dinner II
6 pm - Go home and enjoy house to self

Yup that is the plan this year.

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Birthday 2012

Every year for some reason on my birthday I get compelled to's my party I can cry if I want to, cry if I want to, you would cry too if it happened to you! It might have something to do with my mom giving me her old record player when I was a kid and that was one of the records I had. This year I didn't do any crying but I so could have because it's my party lol. I had such a wonderful birthday though. It started on Sunday the 11th with my amazing husband surprising me with birthday brunch with Nina, Veronica and Seth. It was great cause Seth had spent the night Saturday to watch football with Jay so it was easy for them to trick me Sunday morning. When Nina and Veronica got there we had a great time eating, laughing and just having fun. After breakfast they gave me my birthday presents. Before opening them I let them know the best present was just having them as my family and spending time with them. I opened my cards first and the awesome part was the cards expressed the same thing I had just said. After that I opened my boxes and guess what?! This is what I got.

Yes real pictures from now on! After breakfast we went to my sisters cause the boys wanted to give me something. Then I got homemade birthday cards from all six of my nieces and nephews oh and my sister! I loved Karsten's drawing of a dog which I am not allowed to make fun of because it bites (warning on the card lol). Sunday night I had a dinner of wings and watching sports with my handsome husband. I woke up this morning (vacation day from work) and got to have Starbucks yum! Then Jay and I went hiking and jogging (see the pictures from my spiffy new camera)!

Okay now here is the part of my birthday I love the most. Looking at the people in my life, thinking about what they mean to me and what quality of theirs I want the most.

Mom - First thank you for having me. I love your work ethic.
Dad - Thank you for having me. I love your desire to see the world.
Jerry (AKA Dad) - Thank you for being awesome. I love how you speak your mind.
Amie - Thank you for being my sister. I love your get up and go.
Joe - Thank you for being my brother. I love your artistic ability.
Henry - Thank you for being my brother. I love your musical ability.
Ashley - Thank you for being my sister. I love your creativity.
Jewel, Brandon, Cameron, Shaun, Seth, Carter, Karsten, Sophia, Lydia, Adelyn, Max and Taylor - Thank you for being my nieces and nephews. I love so much about each of you it would take a year to write.
Hannah - Thank you for being my best friend. I love your loyalty.
Nina - Thank you for being my grandmother. I love your strength.
Chris - Thank you for being my mother. I love your cooking skills.
Veronica - Thank you for being my aunt. I love your compassion.
Andy - Thank you for being my uncle. I love your mind.
Seth - Thank you for being my cousin. I love your sense of humor.
Tony - Thank you for being my dad. I love your sense of adventure.
Jody - Thank you for being my mother. I love your free spirit.
Kyle - Thank you for being my brother. I love your ability to chase your dreams. 
Kyra - Thank you for being my sister. I love your sense of play.
Jake - Thank you for being my brother. I love your video game skills.

Finally and most important Jay. Thank you for being my husband, my friend, my other half and everything else you are for me. I love everything about you but I admire your ability to overcome all odds and become the most amazing man I have ever met.

Thank you world for one more awesome birthday!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Song for Brian - Loved Always

Life had another surprise for me Monday. As soon as I was starting to be able to think of Sophie and smile instead of cry a phone call came. On Sunday morning my bother-in-law was found passed away in his home. As in any family dynamic there were good times and bad. What I am finding among the shock and sadness is comfort in the good memories I have of Brian. Here are some pictures and a song dedicated to the life of Brian.

Taylor's Prom! Proud papa! 2012
Jewel's Birthday Party 2010 - Brian always with a smile and joke.
Brian & Amie's Wedding August 2010
The end of the ceremony. I love this picture of my sis and new brother.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

In Memory of Sophie

I am sitting in bed finishing my homework and watching the clock. Tonight we "fall back" giving us one more hour today. Today has been a hard day emotionally for me. Heck this whole week has been a train wreck as far as emotions have been concerned. To be honest I don't think I have ever cried so much or so hard as I have this week. Two amazing people who Jay and I are lucky to call our friends had their two month old daughter pass away in the early hours on Tuesday. It shook my world when it happened because all I could think about was how something like this could happen and how if I had just one wish it would be to make it all not true.

Today was little Sophie's memorial service. I can't express in words what it is like to watch as your friends grieve or to think about the little girl that was gone before you had a chance to really get to know her. Tonight all I really wanted was this day to be over and as I glanced as the clock to see that it was 10:30 pm I was happy that it would soon be. Then I realized at midnight our clocks go back an hour which means that this could literally be one of the longest days of my life. As soon as I had this thought a new wonderful and comforting thought came to me. Today instead of having one more hour of hardship we are all being given one more hour to remember the beautiful light that was baby Sophie.

Let me tell you what I know about Sophie. She was a beautiful and had such a light in her eyes from the moment she was born. She had an amazing father who beamed with pride anytime you mentioned her name. Her mother is one of the strongest and kindest souls I have ever had the privilege to know. As parents they put their daughter first and gave her a life full of love that would to be rivaled. I was lucky enough to hold baby Sophie soon after she was born. I will never forget her little hands, her sweet coos, the way she smelled or how my husband was scared to hold her. I loved going one Facebook daily to see what new pictures of her their were. One of my favorites was of her aunt holding her and getting to joke about share the coveted "Auntie of the Year" award with her. I know that if I am blessed to have my own children I hope that I can be the type of parent my friends are and that my child knows all the love the world has to give like baby Sophie did.

I am going to spend the rest of the night enjoying the extra hour being given to me and remembering all the beauty baby Sophie brought with her. One more thing before I go to enjoy my time thought. I am going to share a piece of her program with you all that touched my heart.
Daddy please don't look so sad,
Mommy please don't cry.
I am in the arms of Jesus
and He sings me lullabies.
Please do not try to question God,
don't think He is unkind.
Don't think He sent me to you
and that He changed His mind.
You see that I am special and I'm needed up above.
I'm the special child you gave Him,
the product of your love.
I'll always be there with you.
So watch the sky at night.
Find the brightest star that's gleaming.
That's my halo's brilliant light.
So Daddy please don't look so sad.
Mommy please don't cry.
I am in the arms of Jesus.
And He sings me lullabies.

If you want to do more than send thoughts and prayers donations to Sophie's Gift Memorial Fund may be made in person at any branch of Wells Fargo Bank. This fund is established to help her parents move forward from here.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Work Out Routine Week One

Walk One Mile
Going to the park with my dog and my husband.
Bicycle - 2 sets of 12 reps

Vertical Leg Crunch - 2 sets of 12 reps

Reverse Crunch - 2 sets of 12 reps

Crunch with Heel Push - 2 sets of 12 reps

Plank Ab - 2 sets of 30 seconds each

Triple Play
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Raise arms out to the sides at shoulder height, palms facing up.

Bend elbows 90 degrees, keeping upper arms parallel to floor and shoulders pulled down (palms face in here) [as in the photo].

Extend arms overhead, palms facing each other, then bend elbows and lower weights behind head. Reverse move to return to start and repeat. Do 15 to 25 reps.
Shoulder Dip
Get in push-up position on your hands (keep them wider than shoulders) and knees, toes off the ground. Tighten your abs so your body is aligned from knees to head.

Bend elbows, lowering left shoulder toward the floor, and look to the right [as in the photo]. Press up and repeat, lowering right shoulder on the next rep. Do 12 to 24 reps, stopping before you're fatigued.
Forearm Wall Push-Up
  • Place your elbows and palms flush against the wall, and take a few steps back so that your weight is supported from elbow to palm. Then, extend your elbows out and back slowly. Do 12 to 24 reps, stopping before you're fatigued.

Shoulder Shrugs
  • You can do this exercise with dumbbells, a barbell or a smith machine. I have pictured the smith machine below. With your hands at your in front of you waist high, hold the smith machine bar. Lift your shoulders towards your ears and then lower them.

1. Place the heels of your hands on a chair or bench. Keeping your back straight, extend your legs at a 90 degree angle to the top of your stability ball. 
2. Keep your butt close to the bench and your shoulders blades back as you lower yourself down.
Superman - 3 reps 30 seconds each
Single Arm, Single Leg, Roman Dead Lift - 2 reps 10 each
Shoulder Packing - 3 sets with 12 reps
Pull Ups - As many as possible
Step Ups
Step up onto a bench/step and back down with your right foot 10 times. Make sure your knee is directly above your ankle as you step up. 
• Switch feet and step up with your left foot 10 times. 
• Want to challenge your abs while you do this? Interlace your hands behind your head. 
Note: If you are collapsing into your back (meaning that your spine is curving) when you step up, the bench/step you're using is likely too high. 
• Lay on the floor face up with your knees bend and feet flat on the ground. Hands at your sides. 
• Place your ball between your knees and hold it there tightly using your inner thighs. 
• Tighten your abs and glutes and lift your pelvis off the ground toward the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds.
• Repeat the bridge lift 20-40 times total until you really feel your glutes burning. 
Dumbbell Front Squat
Forward Lunge 
Side Lunge
