
Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Letter...

To The Future Mr. & Mrs. Johnson,

Before I met you I got to know you through stories Jay told me. From all the stories I had heard it was clear to me that you Tony were a good father. You took on the task of raising two boys who were not biologically yours and stood by them through thick and thin. You taught them how to be men, pursue their dreams, care for others and always put their well being before your own. The things these boys accomplish in life do not surprise me at all. I actually have learned to expect nothing but greatness from them because they have learned to be like you. Jody, I didn't get to hear much about you before I met you because you were a recent addition to Tony's life when I came along. What I did hear was "if my dad loves her then she must be a great person". With this information by my side I was a bit nervous when it came time to finally meet the both of you.

When the time came to met both of you I was nervous and excited. We were going to Red River to go camping for a few days. To say I was a little out of my comfort zone would be an understatement. I am a city girl who was being taking to the country and I might add was told I was going to sleep on a blanket outside and would be lucky if there was a port-a-potty. By the time Jay and I arrived my fears were gone. You both welcomed me with open arms and it felt like I had always known you. The stories Jay had told me were all true and it warmed my heart. I watched as the love of my life was able to spend time with the man he strives to be like. I got to know you both a little and was excited for what the future might hold.

Over the past few years I have had the chance to get to know you both a bit better. I admit that living this far away makes spending time a bit difficult but that hasn't stopped you guys from showing us how much you care. I know that you are both always there day or night if we need you. I know that you both get as excited as we do when something amazing happens. I know that you both try to guide us toward the best path in life. I know that we are lucky to have you in our lives.

In two days we will be watching you two get married just as you watched us a year ago. We will be witnessing a celebration of love that is unmatched by most. It will be a moment that I will hold close to me and cherish for the rest of my life. I only have this left to say. I hope that your day is as special, as  filled with love and as beautiful as you two are.


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