
Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Letter...

To The Future Mr. & Mrs. Johnson,

Before I met you I got to know you through stories Jay told me. From all the stories I had heard it was clear to me that you Tony were a good father. You took on the task of raising two boys who were not biologically yours and stood by them through thick and thin. You taught them how to be men, pursue their dreams, care for others and always put their well being before your own. The things these boys accomplish in life do not surprise me at all. I actually have learned to expect nothing but greatness from them because they have learned to be like you. Jody, I didn't get to hear much about you before I met you because you were a recent addition to Tony's life when I came along. What I did hear was "if my dad loves her then she must be a great person". With this information by my side I was a bit nervous when it came time to finally meet the both of you.

When the time came to met both of you I was nervous and excited. We were going to Red River to go camping for a few days. To say I was a little out of my comfort zone would be an understatement. I am a city girl who was being taking to the country and I might add was told I was going to sleep on a blanket outside and would be lucky if there was a port-a-potty. By the time Jay and I arrived my fears were gone. You both welcomed me with open arms and it felt like I had always known you. The stories Jay had told me were all true and it warmed my heart. I watched as the love of my life was able to spend time with the man he strives to be like. I got to know you both a little and was excited for what the future might hold.

Over the past few years I have had the chance to get to know you both a bit better. I admit that living this far away makes spending time a bit difficult but that hasn't stopped you guys from showing us how much you care. I know that you are both always there day or night if we need you. I know that you both get as excited as we do when something amazing happens. I know that you both try to guide us toward the best path in life. I know that we are lucky to have you in our lives.

In two days we will be watching you two get married just as you watched us a year ago. We will be witnessing a celebration of love that is unmatched by most. It will be a moment that I will hold close to me and cherish for the rest of my life. I only have this left to say. I hope that your day is as special, as  filled with love and as beautiful as you two are.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

One Year Later

One Year Later


I woke up full of excitement and anticipation. I spent the day with friends and family getting ready for what was to be one of the biggest days of my life. The day seemed to fly by as people rushed around me. Everyone was full of smiles as they helped get everything just right for the big moment. When I finally arrived at the Aerie I was still in a daze from the realization that the day had finally arrived.

The wonderful staff led me to my bridal suite where the real work began. If my life was a cartoon this would have been the moment you would have seen nails, hair, dresses and jewelry flying around in a tornado.

After what seem like an eternity passing by in an instant everything was ready. The moment had come when I was going to celebrate my love to Jay in a ceremony in front of our family and friends. There are really no words to describe what it was like. The closest I can come is to have you all imagine every dream you ever had all come true in the same moment.

Following that special moment came spending time with all those we love. It was amazing we had everything from dancing, toasting, laughing and smiling to sneaking away at the end of night.

One year later nothing has changed. I still wake up every day amazed that I found man who compliments my world in every way. I have a partner who brings out the best in me, someone who thinks I am beautiful even when waking up with a head cold, someone who protects me from things that go bump in the night and someone who I will always be proud to call my husband. On our one year wedding anniversary we woke up ready to start our adventure but made sure to say I love you first. Since we had packed the car the night before we were able to jump right in, grab Starbucks and hit the road. We were headed to the Resort at Sunriver for our celebration and the drive was amazing! Being a tropical girl I have always had a fascination with the snow and I was not disappointed. We sang along with our playlist while marveling at the beauty in the world.

When we got to our destination we had another surprise. The staff at the resort upgraded us to a suite as a present for our anniversary. When we got to our room there was a hand written congratulations card and chocolate covered strawberries. Can you say awe and yum?!

Our room was breathtaking and after running around saying “look at this” and “no way” we called for the shuttle to take us to the stable. Once there we met our driver and horse that was going to take us on our special sleigh ride.

It was a perfect way to watch the sunset and a great time to give Jay his anniversary present.

In case you are wondering in all of my awesomeness I forgot to pack Jay a beanie so we wrapped his head in my scarf. I told him he should consider making this a fashion statement from now on but he declined and we bought him a beanie later that night. We had a romantic dinner and toured the ginger bread house contest the resort was having which gave me great ideas for next year.

The day was not quite over yet. We went back to the room to enjoy our anniversary cake and sparkling cider by the fire. We opened the curtains to find one last present…a beautiful snowfall.

Oh and a reminder for next year…bring forks and a knife for the cake.

I love you baby thank you for an amazing year as your wife. I look forward to many more!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas Spirit

This month has been full of ups and downs. This week started off a bit rough. We had a medical issue come up but we have had an amazing support system to get through it and others who we never expected offered their help for our future. In addition this weekend happened in just the right way that I know this Christmas will be one of love and joy for my family. I got to spend time with the amazing and strong women in my family. Each of these women have such amazing talents and I am truly lucky to have them share with me and support me in developing my own. I also got to spend time with my amazing husband where everyday I am reminded by him that I am strong, loved and always supported. Today has been the best of all. I got to have mommy and daughter time for most of the morning. No matter how old I get I will always treasure the time I get being my mommy's little girl. One of the best parts about today's mommy/daughter day is that the line between my family and my husbands family started to disappear. Mom joined me in helping finish off some Christmas shopping help for my husbands grandmother and now we are even talking about our two families coming together for next Thanksgiving! The day got increasingly better as it went on. This evening my sister called to tell me that my plate of Christmas cookies were ready. For those who don't know this is a tradition my sister has done every year. She spends about two days making at least four kinds of cookies from scratch and makes a plate for everyone in the family. I am sure she used to do this for fun but I think she does it now out of fear of an angry mob with torches and pitchforks showing up at her house if the cookies are not made! So with mouths drooling my hubby and I drove through a storm to rescue our plate of cookies. On the way we got great news that we get to see some people who are very important to us soon. Super excited! Once home with cookies in our bellies we watched the Blazers win (no I haven't switched teams I am still a Laker fan but the Blazers make the hubby happy). No way today was going to get any better right? Wrong. So here is the kicker. I logged onto our school site to see if our final grades were posted and some of them were. I made Jay pause the T.V. and I got Nina on speaker phone. I then showed Jay the final grade for his Excel class. A big fat "A"! I have never been so proud in all my life. I knew Jay could do it so I wasn't surprised but to hear the happiness in Nina's voice and to see the shock in my husbands face was more than I could have ever hoped for. 

Here is what I am taking away from today. True Christmas spirit is not about what others can do for you or give to you. It is not about buying the most expensive thing or having the most elaborate plans. It is putting others first and above yourself, loving without condition or expectation and most of all reminding those close to you how wonderful they are and what they mean to you.   

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Today Was A Good Day

I love days like today. You know the kind that starts off with waking up and everything just feels right. Well today started with waking up next to the greatest man in the world and the best Puppie ever. Then we enjoyed Starbucks (that I didn't even have to leave the house to get) while cuddling on the couch. After a lazy morning we got up and met up with the family to pick out Christmas trees for Nina & Veronica's houses.
On our way.
 There was much careful consideration and deep discussion between the men in our family.
The conversation.
 Finally a decision was reached. We had picked out the tree that will be at our family Christmas celebration.
This is it!
My wonderful husband decided to show off his "stupid strong" (as Shaun puts it) muscles and carry the tree to the truck.
Uncle Jay "stupid strong".
Of course it wouldn't be a normal or fun day without the hubby acting like a goof.
The goof.
We went back to Nina's and set up her tree (which was no easy feat) before Seth & Jay went to spend time together while Nina kidnapped me for a bit of Christmas collaboration. It was so much fun going from store to store looking for all the right things and talking about everything from designing life, to current events and just telling stories. After a few (okay maybe several) hours we were done and beat. When Nina dropped me off she came inside to look at our Christmas decorations and say hi to the boys. Little did she know that in our household a family vote would lead to this...
Nina, Seth & Jay
Nina, Seth & me
It was no Christmas Story moment (you know with the pink bunny outfit) but it was close enough. After Nina left us to our own devices me and the boys ordered a pizza and watched the Blazer game. It didn't stop there though. Jay had told me I had a choice of having my 1 year wedding anniversary present early or late because it wouldn't work to give it to me on our actual anniversary. Of course who could say "give me my present late"? So Jay and Seth called me to the living room and had me close my eyes. When I opened them I was speechless. My amazing hubby had gotten me the final piece to my wedding ring. I had told him when we bought my wedding ring that I wanted another one to put on the top of my engagement ring one day. His response then was I might get it on our five year anniversary. Well when I got it today he just smiled and said "I do listen". I was blown away. Here is a guy that doesn't need me to tell him what I want or have me make a silly list. He just listens and goes out of his way to make it happen. I could go on and on about the great man I married but I won't instead I will just show you a picture of the new ring (which we are going to have fitted and attached to the other two tomorrow) and then go give him a big hug and kiss for just being who he is.
Here is to one beautiful year!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Lessons 101: Christmas

Here we are three days into December and that much closer to Christmas! Been doing a lot of fun stuff with family and the hubby. When I put all my pictures from my camera onto my computer I saw it was time for another Lessons post. So here we go.

Family Pictures

So here are the main things to remember when taking family pictures.
  • Always plan for an extra hour (nothing ever happens on schedule)
  • Ask everyone including adults to remember to put on their shoes (so many distractions, so little shoes)
  • Take a few candid shots before you start (you always get the best smiles)
  • Have a desired picture plan (if the person you are shooting has an idea use theirs it goes much better)
  • When it is all done give everyone a hug (no matter how it went it is a memory for a lifetime)
Here are a few of the candid before shots.
Carter as the director.
Seth receiving instructions.

Shaun the ring leader.

Justin & Karsten acting cool.

Addressing an Envelope

It's the season for sending Christmas cards so here are the main points when you address an envelope.

  • When addressing an envelope to a married couple there are a few different acceptable options: Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Jack & Jill Smith or The Smiths
  • When addressing an envelope to a married couple with children the most acceptable option is The Smiths
  • When addressing an envelope to a non-married couple there are a few different acceptable options: Jack Smith & Jill Jones, Jack S. & Jill J. or Jack & Jill
  • When addressing an envelope to a non-married couple with children (theirs together or from a previous relationship there are a few options: Jack Smith, Jill Jones & Jane Smith, Jack S., Jill J. and Jane S. or Jack, Jill & Jane
Here are a few examples on how to properly address an envelope.

The wrong way (as we are a legally married couple)

The right way (as we are a legally married couple)

Create Your Own Traditions

The best part of the holidays is when you get to create your own traditions. Some stick and others are fun when they happen. Here is our new tradition for this year.
  • Get a thick ribbon that matches the colors you have in your home.
  • Hang it across on opening (see below) 

  • Get two candy canes and some thin shiny ribbon.
  • Match the candy canes together in the shape of a hear and tie it together leaving enough string to tie to the ribbon you hung earlier.

  • Tie the heart to the ribbon you hung earlier and do a new heart everyday until Christmas.

Decorations, Presents and Dogs

  • No Christmas in my house would be complete without decorating a little every day (here are some from today)
  • No matter how early you shop presents will continue to arrive for a long time after. Make sure to have enough wrapping paper and have fun with it.
  • Finally Puppie needs to participate in every event. Don't expect much beyond a motivating smile from her. Sometimes that is all you need though.

Happy Holidays! Check back soon for more!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Fun

Yes this time of year is hard. So many different personalities to work with and sometimes it seems that it is the season of "give me" instead of "giving'". No matter what I will not let it spoil my favorite time of year. So here are a few of my favorite things! I love that in 17 days I will have been married to the man of my dreams for a whole year. I love that this is my second year of taking my sisters family Christmas pictures. I love that we got to go chop down our own tree this year. I love that I got to make fudge with my mom today. I love working hard enough to afford Christmas shopping without having to get help from others. I love listening to family and friends all year so that I know exactly what to get to put a smile on their face. More than any of these things I love that I get to spend time with the people I love at Christmas. Here is some of the Christmas fun our family has had so far with lots more to come!

The boys picking out our tree.

My husbands butt as he cuts down our tree.

Jay working hard on our tree.

Uncle Jay is "stupid strong" says the boys.

Uncle Jay being proud.

Me and the boys pretending that we cut down a tree.

Uncle Jay and the boys being strong stomping on a stump.

My sisters tree.
Christmas decorations.
The start of Christmas shopping.

Our pretty tree.

Merry Christmas All!