
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The New Year

It seems like life has been a blur since November. So many celebrations happen during this time frame that even keeping up with sleep seems impossible. Now in a blink of an eye we are in the second month of this new year. I can't say all has been well in our lives. What I can say is that we have had the opportunity to learn about love, commitment, strength, grace, forgiveness and acceptance. After rereading that sentence I now realized how lucky we are to have a chance at knowing what learning looks like. Since I am a person that looks at life in black and white and is afraid of the gray area I will explain everything in the way I experience it.

Love: I have never known the type of love I have for my husband. He thinks the world is ending when I sneeze and insists on rest and fluids. He rubs my feet without hesitation after I work a 13 hour day (FYI all my fault I wore three inch heels lol). He tells me that no matter what we are going through I am the most important thing in his life.

Work: I have taken on my development with a passion. I have realized that if I don't make me a priority no one will and people really care about helping someone if you just ask. Recently I have been out loud about  my future desires and have had an overwhelming response. I really hope that I make people proud because their support means more to me than they even know.

Family: Such a complicated topic. So if you are not aware we are battling with infertility which is a struggle in and of its own. So as not to get too deep I here is where you can keep up with that.

Change: Life is all about change. To me if you don't have change in your life you stop growing. If you stop growing you start dying. So like it or not I embrace change. Last month we made a big decision and had a long time friend of Jay's move here and in with us. The best way to describe this change in our life is to make a comparison with learning how to drive. Anyone who knows about learning to drive a stick shift knows that it is a very bumpy road. You can't find the right gear, you stall as you try to move forward and most of the time you burn out a clutch. That has been us in a nutshell. What is great about it is that you quickly learn how to drive and you never forget because of the challenges that were presented to you. I love my new roommate and really I am now heartbroken that he will eventually move away but I will always feel honored that he is my friend and we have learned how to drive together.

Next: To tell you the truth I don't know what is next. We are in a blur with life, love, health and change. In the meantime I will appreciate the amazing man my husband is, work as hard as I can for the company I love, take a deep breath and strive for a family and last but not least embrace change because sometimes it gives way more than it takes.

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