
Monday, November 18, 2013

November 2013 Week 2: A Month of Thanks and Celebrations

November is a busy month in our world. It is the month that we focus on what we are thankful for and share our time with those closest to us. It is also a month of birthdays and anniversaries. So here is a day by day look at our month.

November 11th, 2013

This day is always a special one. It is the day that we say thank you to our nations veterans. It is important to always stop and say thank you to those who have given their time to ensure our way of life. For me it doesn't matter your experience be it big or small you have given yourself to keep me free and safe. Thank you to all those who came before, those who are currently serving and those who are next in line.

Today I was thankful for our nations veterans.

November 12th, 2013

It is always a surprise what this day brings each year. For instance three years ago on this day my co-workers decorated my work space and even gave me a tiara to wear. The owner of the company took me to a great lunch. My husband planned a surprise dinner with my mom and dad. Then when we got home he got on one knee, held my hands in his and asked me to be his wife. This year was no less exciting. I got flowers from my co-workers, went to a wonderful Hawaiian food lunch with my friend, had dinner with my family and then I got to fall asleep in my husbands arms. So once again happy birthday to me!

Today I was thankful for one more wonderful year.

Also, on this day forty three years ago my wonderful father-in-law was born. Happy birthday Tony!

November 13th, 2013

I woke up and was still on cloud nine. Work just blew by and we spent the evening just enjoying each other. Simple day full of love and thanks.

Today I was thankful for my couch, Puppie and husband cuddles.

November 14th, 2013

The best part about Thursday besides having a kick butt day at work was FINALLY got a new mailbox key. See we lost ours the Friday before except an hour before we got home Jay found our old key in his pocket. Go figure. It was okay though because when Jay checked the mail I had two more birthday cards!

Today I was thankful for new keys.

November 15th, 2013

FRIDAY!!! Great end of the work week. Then to kick off our awesome weekend we had dinner with our friends Vince, Katlin and baby Aubrey. On our way we stopped at Walgreens and happened to find the biggest Hello Kitty ever. Our niece AJ is really into Hello Kitty right now and everywhere we turn there is Hello Kitty. Nummy Olive Garden, baby hugs and laughs were much needed. After dinner it was home to pack and go to bed early so Saturday could come faster.

Today I was thankful for good friends.

November 16th, 2013

My much waited for birthday weekend trip. It was finally time for our Goonies adventure! So much to do so little time. So we got up at 8 am got coffee and hit the road. We live in such a beautiful place and it was evident while we drove down highway 26 all while singing along to our favorite tunes. After a while we pulled over to have breakfast at one of my favorite spots Camp 18. Breakfast and exploring were awesome!

It was back on the road and just a few more miles until I could cross one more thing off my bucket list. My heart was racing with excitement as we pulled into town. As we made the right hand turn into our hotel parking lot there in our rear view mirror was the flashing lights of a police car. So long story short Jay had did a California stop at a stop sign neither of us saw and forgot to use his blinker. The police officer was nice enough to let us go with a warning. Then it was drop off our stuff at the hotel room which had this amazing view.

Over the course of the next six hours we did four museums (Flavel House, Historical Museum, Movie Museum & Maritime Museum), visited the elementary school from Kindergarten Cop, visited the Goonie House and went on adventures on both sides of the river.

Flavel House Outside
Flavel House Sitting Room
Flavel House Breakfast Nook
Movie Museum
All work and no play makes Jay a dull boy...
Everyone loves Jay.
That's my moms favorite part!
Jay Fratelli
Hold onto your hats boys!
Heritage Museum
Shipping boat
Old time saloon
It's not a tumor!
Come on Jay do the truffle shuffle!
The Goondocks!
Another one off the bucket list!
Maritime Museum
Did you know Jay REALLY likes boats?
Captain Jay!
The wave is bigger than him!
The bridge to Washington
A random road took us here
Deep in thought

It was cold
Dismal Nitch
The Columbia
Ship wreck
After our adventuring it was time for dinner and boy were we hungry. So we stopped for some snacks.

Candied Bacon
Half Baked Alaska
After we were stuffed we went back to the hotel room and turned on Goonies. We barely got through the movie and feel asleep exhausted and happy!

Today I was thankful for The Goonies.

 November 17th, 2013

Even though it was Sunday and we had a huge day the day before we got up at 7:30 am. We had decided the day before to go to Seaside for breakfast and some exploring. When we got to Seaside we had breakfast at Pig In A Pancake and then Jay showed me all the places he and his Nonna had gone when he was little.

Today I was thankful for all the happy memories my husband has with his Nonna.

It was a wild week but we are just getting started!

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