
Monday, November 11, 2013

November 2013 Week 1: A Month of Thanks and Celebrations

November is a busy month in our world. It is the month that we focus on what we are thankful for and share our time with those closest to us. It is also a month of birthdays and anniversaries. So here is a day by day look at our month.

November 1st, 2013

Most times I love Friday's but not this time. I caught some strange funky cold that had me on the couch as soon as I got home from work.

Today I was thankful for cold medicine and my husband for taking care of me.
Cold medicine, popcorn and soda.
Also, on this day five years ago there was a beautiful baby boy born. My handsome nephew Seth!

November 2nd, 2013

This Saturday was spent on the couch in and out of sleep. Jay enjoyed the day with our friends and checking on me every 20 minutes.

Today I was thankful for having cable and the channel Bravo. There is no better television than reality television that makes you feel better about your own life.

Yes I am now addicted.
November 3rd, 2013

This Sunday was spent in the somewhat the same manner as usual except for the fact that I was in bed most of the day. I was able to get up long enough to make Sunday night football dinner but made everyone take it to go as I didn't want to get anyone sick.

Today I was thankful for the joy I get from cooking and being blessed enough that we can afford to feed eight people every Sunday. I also got a wonderful pin sent to me from the best cake lady I know.

Thanks Dana I like you a lottle too.
November 4th, 2013

I was still a bit under the weather but Monday means I need to get up and head to Vancouver. It was a normal Monday for the most part. One of the biggest highlight of my day was that gift card season had officially arrived! It is my favorite time of year at work. I have been on the gift card team for three years now and each year I find myself more excited than the year before. I think I like it so much because I get to help with our internal incentive program. I love rewarding people for hard work and I get to do it everyday for the next two months.

Today I was thankful for my job that not only allows me to do what I love but they work with me on developing my skills and I get paid for it.

Good food, great company and wonderful coworkers.
November 5th, 2013

One of the other best parts about my job is that we sponsor our local professional soccer team the Portland Timbers. This year they made it to the MLS playoffs and we were able to get tickets to the game on the 7th to give out as acknowledgements to our employees. I loved listen to the people we called get so very excited about the opportunity to go.

Today I was thankful for living in a place that supports its local sports teams with the passion that is unmatched.

November 6th, 2013

A normal Wednesday for the most part expect for one very special appointment. I finally was able to have an appointment with the states leading fertility councilor. We finally decided that it would be good to get emotional help while going through this process. Jay wasn't able to go to this first meeting but it was more of a getting to know you session so it was alright. By the time I left the appointment I knew much more than I had going in and felt like the weight of the world was off my shoulders.

Today I was thankful for people who understand, care and really want to help.

The amazing Paula Acker, LCSW.
 November 7th, 2013

This Thursday was a bit harder than normal. We had our next steps family planning session with our OB. I won't get into what happened there as I explain it on my other blog. I will say that my husband is an amazingly strong man with a heart that is as large as the sun. He is my rock and I know that if I ever fall he will be there to catch me.

Today I was thankful for doctors who really care and want to support you on your journey through life.

Text I sent my husband while he was at the Timbers playoff game.
November 8th, 2013

Once again it is Friday and I felt great. We started the day driving to work and singing to each other. Well then to make the day even better I had a great day at work. On the way home we decided that dinner out was on the menu. We went to our favorite Italian place and pretended to be on our first date. The food was good, we giggled through most of the meal and danced down the sidewalk back to the car. It is always nice having one of those random great days. Oh and we paid off one of the credit cards!

Today I was thankful for my husbands ability to bring out the inner kid in me.

Jay singing on the way to work.
November 9th, 2013

It was a Saturday like no other. After sleeping in until 9 am Jay went to get coffee while I cooked us breakfast. Once we were done we headed over to OMSI to expericence the Sherlock Holmes exhibit. It was a great exhibit that the interactive experience is solving a crime the same way Sherlock Homes would. After the exhibit we had lunch with a beautiful view of the river. On our way out of the museum we decided to do the interactive ride which neither of us have ever done. We picked the snow adventure and it was so much fun. When we got home I took Puppie to a local dog park while Jay relaxed. After the dog park I hit the gym while Jay went to play football. We got home and realized we were running late so we scarfed down dinner and got dressed to go out. We went to Aloha to watch my brothers band perform and it was a blast. When we got home it was time to cuddle and watch The Purge. Great movie, creepy movie and one movie I hope never turns out to be real.

Today I was thankful for family.

Our Saturday!
This was also another amazing celebration as it was my brother-in-law Kyle's birthday.


November 10th, 2013

I usually dread Sundays but today was one of the best. We got up and had breakfast. Then we packed up Puppie and went to a new dog park. We learned two things there. Don't wear white tennis shoes because the ground is very muddy and don't wear white shirts because other dogs with muddy paws might jump up on you. After the dog park we went home and I headed to the gym. After the gym it was yummy soup and salad lunch. Then it was time to back my little nephews a birthday cookie which I did in the shape of Mickey Mouse. We wrapped their presents and waited for 3:30 pm when we were having their birthday party at their dads house. As soon as we walked in they ran into our arms telling us how much they missed us. Nothing and I mean nothing beats a 5 year old hugging you with all their might and telling you they love you more than anything. We did presents, birthday cake, birthday cookie, BB guns and Legos for almost two hours. It felt like only five minutes but then time does fly when your having fun. After we left it was time for Sunday Night Football dinner again. This didn't work out like normal but I am happy to report everyone was fed, watched football and had fun. Finally to end the night it was cuddling in bed watching White House Down with the hubby.

Today I was thankful for my nephews and all the joy they bring.

Sunday with all the people I love.
Next week should be really fun.

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