
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Three Years

I am a bit old school in the fact that I actually still write letters to people. I write them to my grandmothers, other family and friends. There is just something wonderful about receiving a hand written letter over a phone call or a text. Tonight I wrote a letter to a friend, some of it was just shooting the breeze, some of it was venting and then when I reread it before I sealed it in an envelope I realized there was something more in it that I hadn't even noticed while writing it. You see tomorrow is my three year anniversary (dating) with Jay. We had barley known each other for a week before we started dating so it is kind of a three year everything with him. Circumstances this year mean that my anniversary is going to be spent like this: picking him up from the airport at 1:30 am, home to sleep till 6:30 am, work 8 am to 5 pm, gym 6 pm to 7 pm, dinner (if we are lucky) 8 pm to 9 pm and then bed by 10 pm. Not a very romantic way to spend a milestone. So as I was reading this letter feeling sorry for myself regarding my three year anniversary I was stopped dead in my tracks and started to cry. In reading my own words that had just come flying out of my pen an hour earlier I realized how absolutely perfect my life is to me and how this anniversary is the best I have ever had. Now I want to share with all of you what I saw that shifted my whole attitude with the warning that it is a bit sappy.

You know how I feel about Jay. I wake up in the morning and breathe just because he exists. When I sing along to my favorite song it is because it stirs an image of him in my mind. When I pause in the middle of a field to look at the heaven on earth surrounding me it is because he has taught me to take pleasure in these things. When I go to sleep at night I am able to drift off with a slight smile on my face because next to me or a million miles away I know I am safe because of him. He is the air I breathe, the warm sun on my face, the cool breeze through my hair and the soft touch on my skin. He is me and I am him. 

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