
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Super Shady Secret

As many of you know Jay is the air that I breath, the wind beneath my wings, the yin to my yang and all of that other sappy romantic stuff. I try my best to make him feel appreciated every day but I fail miserably. Because of that I tend to go a bit overboard for birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. This year is no exception. The plan for his birthday started off normally. I wanted to get him something signed by his favorite sports player Damian Lillard...wait, second favorite (Kyle will always be his first). So I called in a few favors and upped the anti a bit and got him a basketball signed by the 2012 -2013 Portland Trail Blazers team.

This is where this story should stop but I knew in my heart it wasn't enough. So I thought long and hard about what else I could possibly get him that would top it all. Then it hit me. Well, it was handed to me. We were on our way to work one day when Jay started talking about how much he missed his best friend Steven. It was as if the perfect birthday gift was handed to me on a silver platter. All I had to do was fly his best friend home for his birthday. that wasn't right. All I had to do was fly his best friend home for his birthday and get his dad, step-mom and step-siblings to come too! Wait...not that wasn't right either. I had to do all of that and wrap it up in a nice little surprise party! Okay, long story short here is where it went a wee bit overboard. You see Jay performs miracles every day for me and everyone else he knows. He puts lotion on my feet every night, sings to me in the car, plays with my hair until I fall asleep, jumps when family needs help, puts in 1,000% at work, cheers his brother on for every game, is the Great Uncle Poop for 12...yes 12 nieces and nephews plus has the audacity to tell me at least twice a day how beautiful I am. So here is what wound up being. I rallied the troupes and what a marvelous bunch they were! Everyone was in on the surprise party. First I sent out the invites.

Then I engaged in super shady phone calls, text messages and meetings!

So what wound up happening? Well a whole lot. Flew Steven up from Vegas, had dad & Jody down from CDA, a birthday card from Addie was made, Kyle & Sue sent the first birthday wishes from sunny Georgia, presents were had and a penguin was even decapitated! All in all it was a good day. The end result was all I had dreamed of. Jay felt celebrated and on top of the world! Happy birthday love of my life! BTW I am done with surprise parties and keeping secrets from you so from now on all your birthday presents will be bought!

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