
Friday, February 22, 2013

The Little Things In Life

2013 is shaping up to be a very busy year and it is only February! There have been so many big things happening in our lives right now that I hardly know where to begin.
The first and most exciting is that we finally got good news from our doctor. As many of you may know we have had some difficulties with pregnancy. We have gone through a lot of heartache, loss and fear. About three weeks ago I went to the doctor for a follow up to our surgery that took place this last July. After my imaging I waited for three hours for the results and when the doctor called I was in the middle of a meeting and couldn't answer the phone. I saw that I had a three minute message which I just knew meant something bad. As I started to listen I started to cry because he was telling me wasn't just that I was better physically, he was giving Jay and I back our hope. I called Jay right away and shared a moment of happy tears (okay there may have been a little bit of happy dancing going on too).
The second big thing that has happened this year is that we have been approved to purchase our first home. Talk about a lot of work! They have so many requirements that I am surprised anyone makes it through the process. Once we put our lives on paper and provided our mortgage broker with all the information (I swear the pile of paperwork was taller than we are) we finally were able to move onto getting a realtor. Tomorrow we are scheduled to look at our first five homes. We are very excited but know that it is going to be a long process to find that perfect home.
The last big thing (that I am going to write about today) is that Jay made the honors list at school. I have always been proud of the man my husband is but he still continues to surpass himself everyday. I will admit that when I was younger and didn't know any better I subscribed to the belief that a woman makes a man or at least helps make him better than he was before her. I know this is not true. The truth is people support each others growth and development. My husbands drive to improve himself inspires me daily and I hope that the things I do give him the same inspiration. For Jay to work full time, spend time with family, treat me like a princess and still find the time to make honors is just amazing.
I know it seems a little strange that the title of this post is the little things when all I am talking about are big things. With all the big things going on I know that the little things can get missed pretty easy. So in order for Jay and I to stay in touch with all the little things in life we have created some great practices.
We have started a game night with our friends and every two weeks we get together, have a pot luck and play a new board game. Everyone has kids but us (for now) so we all have dinner put the kids to bed then it is game time. We have had some pretty wild times with everything from Red Neck Life to a game that required one of the players to write a swear word in ink on his forehead. The best part is that since none of us drink there are no hang overs in the morning. Little thing here - spend quality time with friends.
Another thing we have decided to do is take time to enjoy traveling. Sometimes this means driving a few exits down the road to a place we have never been or actually going on vacation. Right now we are going to be taking a trip to Florida in March. I am excited to see Disney World, Sea World, Miami, the Keys and everything in between. The best part about the trip though is that we get to do it with Nina. She is a huge part of our lives and since we all work together it makes sense but we make a point to spend as much time with her outside of work as possible. She is one of the funniest, kindest and honest people I have had the pleasure of meeting. Little thing here - spend quality time with family.
Finally another thing we have been doing is making sure to give all our nieces and nephews memories for life. Sophia and Lydia's birthday is soon and rather than buy them another toy or clothes we have decided to throw them a party. We are doing a Build-A-Bear party for them and from what I hear they are super excited. Karsten's birthday is coming up too (this happens when you have as many nieces and nephews as we do) and we are throwing him a laser tag party. Oh and two weeks ago I got a suite at the Rose Garden and took 9 of our 12 nieces and nephews to see the monster truck show. I also have to admit that the one niece who lives too far away to do things like this with is the recipient of my online shopping addiction. Anyway little thing here - always support kids having amazing memories.
I will always make sure to stop and smell the roses no matter how big life gets around me. I will always stop to appreciate all the people in our lives because they make it all worth it. I will always stop typing, look up from my computer and tell Jay "I love you and thank you for being part of my life".

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