
Monday, April 29, 2013

Mini Bucket List April Update

April has just flown by! It doesn't look like things are going to slow down either. So ready or not here is my first update.

 1. Lose 30 to 40 pounds. Since our pregnancy losses last year I have been eating my sorrow and I am tired of it. Also, it doesn't support me providing a healthy body for getting pregnant.

Jay and I joined a gym, changed our diet and have for the most part have done pretty good. I have lost eight pounds so far but it is driving me nuts because it is not coming off fast enough. I have decided that weighing myself everyday is not the best idea so I am going to do it on the last day of every month. I am also going to stop focusing on losing weight and focus more on how I want my body to preform. Right now I am running three to four miles and able to do it at about 11 minutes a mile. My goal is to get to eight or nine minutes by the end of summer and able to do five miles at a time. My other goal is to get over my Starbucks addiction since it is the only bad eating habit I haven't been able to break yet.

 2. Quit smoking. Last year I quit for 3 weeks and then let myself use the excuse that there was too much stress. Not this time. I am tired of smelling bad, getting sore throats, chancing health issues, not
being able to breath when I exercise and spending too much money.
In May I have the opportunity to quit smoking as long as I take advantage of it. So my quit date is May 22nd.

 3. Create a positive healthy body and environment for pregnancy. I need to stay positive, accept support, be healthy and surround us with the best relationships.
My main focus in this area right now is getting the 'it will never happen' thoughts out of my head. I am getting better at changing this thinking process so more practice will make it come more naturally.

 4. Buy a house/keep looking for the perfect house. I will not commit to buying a house by the end of the year because I don't want to just settle on something to meet a timeline. I will commit to continuing to look for that perfect place that I can call home with my family.

We have decided to put this off until next summer. The amount of house we can afford to make payments on is really high and gives us many of options. However, the amount we have for a down payment doesn't put us in exactly the house we want. So if we keep saving like we have for one more year we will be able to up the price we can afford and pick just about anything we want. After discussing this we decided we really don't want to settle so we will pick up the search next May.

 5. Continue to move forward at work by generating learning and supporting or leading projects that make a positive impact on our company and communities.
I am really excited about this one. Since I have taken on this commitment things have been making themselves available to me. I am learning a lot of really interesting things and am taking on more of the projects I really want to be working on.

 6. Complete a 5k. I hate running. Running hates me. However, I can walk or jog.

We signed up for one June 1st that we were really looking forward to but will not be able to do it because of a medical reason. No problem we will have all of July and August to find one to do. The best part is I might actually be in shape enough to run it lol.

 7. Do something special for each of my nieces and nephews. It is important to me to create lifetime memories for them. Children are special and deserve to be shown as often as possible that you love them.

Mind you if you don't already know I have 12 nieces and nephews. I am making a pretty good dent though. So far I have Karsten, Sophia, Lydia and Jewel crossed off my list. That means eight more to go!

 8. Top Big Seth's birthday party from last year. He is one of the most special kids I know.
We have a super birthday party planned for him this year. All I need now is the best present ever.

 9. Complete a total of 5 classes this year. This seems hard with work, family, friends, vacations and life events but whenever I think about giving up all I will need to do is remember there are people out there who do what I do and are full time parents on top of all of that. If they can do it so can I.

I am actually counting a calendar year not a school year for this one. That being said right now I am taking two classes and kicking butt! I am getting 100% in my history class and a 97.5% in my health class. I am planning to take one class over the summer but depending on how I do this semester I might bump that to two.

11. Make Jay's birthday a special once in a lifetime event.
Even if I don't do anything else besides the one present I have already gotten him I know it will be that once in a lifetime I was hoping for.

12. See a concert.
We get to cross this one off the list soon. In May we are going to Seattle to see Rehab. Super excited.

13. See a professional baseball game. I have been to a few but none with Jay and I want to experience everything with him once.
Looks like this one will be done in July but we are still finalizing the plans.

14. See a professional football game. Jay has never been to one and I really want him to see how much fun they are.

Can't comment about this one right now or it might ruin plans.

15. Take a trip on the train.

This one has no progress.

16. Book our cruise for 2014.
We have found a bunch we want to do now it is just time to narrow it down.

17. Take a dance class. I have no rhythm and have proved this many times. I want to see if this will ever change.

Still working on convincing Jay on this one.

18. Start doing martial arts again.
No progress yet.

19. Complete photo books from the past three years and stay up to date as we do things this year.
One down and about eight more to go.

20. Visit Timberline lodge. Four years here and still have never seen it.
Jay promised this winter.

21. Go on an all day beach trip with my mom.
This will be closer to the end of the summer.

22. Visit the Portland Japanese garden.
No progress.

23. Start my full back tattoo (if I am able to finish drawing it).

Started the drawing!

24. Watch a sunset on the beach with Jay.
I forgot this means that I have to wake up really early lol. I will do it though!

25. Get Nina a stereo and teach her to use it.
Not really a stereo but speakers and now I can check this one off the list!

Check back once a month for updates!