
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Little Cousin + Weekend = Excellent

Excellent - possessing outstanding quality or superior merit; remarkably good.

When the world seems like it is handing out nothing but hard times it always finds a way to offer up a temporary reprieve if you pay attention. This past weekend that reprieve came to me in the form of my little cousin. The best thing that came from marrying Jay was that I get to experience everything life has to offer with him through the end of time. The second best thing that came out of my marriage is that I got the best little cousin the world has ever known. His name is Seth, he is 11 years old (turning 12 in less than a month), plays video games, teaches me how to shoot hoops and is the funniest guy I have met yet. I had called his mom at the beginning of the week to see if it was alright with her if I invited him to spend the weekend with me. When I got the okay from her I called Seth to invite him. All I had to do was tell him I wanted to spend the weekend with him and he said yes. I guess for the time being he likes hanging out with me enough that I don't have to bribe him with cool stuff to do. I really hope that doesn't change when he turns into a teen-ager.

So the plan for the weekend was as follows:

Friday Night - Dinner, video games and living room camp out
Saturday Morning - Participate in Newberg parade
Saturday Afternoon - Lunch and movie
Saturday Night - Campfire dinner complete with roasting hot dogs and making s'mores, multiple flavor cupcake baking and video games
Sunday - Return home

I admit that was a little much to pack into a weekend but I am happy to report that we met the challenge and lived to tell about it. So now join me in my review of Seth & Barbara's Excellent Adventure!

Friday Night
Meat lovers Pizza!!!
Cheating at video games!!!
Root beer floats!!!
Saturday Morning
Seth hanging out with our parade neighbors car!!!
Wandering around and stumbled onto a drive in!!!

    Saturday Afternoon
                      Lunch at Burgerville!
Someone needed a nap!

Saturday Evening

That's right S'mores!
Hot dogs & camp fires!!!
Mmmm dinner!

I know you wish you were me!

Saturday Night
The finished product!
Yummy mix!
Baking into yummy goodness!

Looking through these pictures just reinforces for me that the best things in life are the ones that allow you to bond with those you love the most. I can't wait to have my next adventure with Seth. I am not sure when it will be or what we will do but I do know it will be filled with smiles, laughs and lifetime memories.